My name is Christopher Ide. I’m a Bavarian graphic designer running a collaborative design company called Hei Yo Studio.

The studio is located 400 km north of the polar circle in Norway, on the countryside close to Tromsø. It’s a great place to work – I can see a fjord and mountains from my desk and check if anyone is ski touring up my favourite line (or if it’s still untracked). Collaborating is easy thanks to a fiber internet connection and an airport close by.

Taking a lunch break on top of a closely mountain.

Taking a lunch break

That's me, Christopher Ide. Many call me Doffa.

Me trying really hard to “just look normal”

The studio has one employee (me) and often works with teams that we put together to fit the job. Creative agencies can also hire me to complement their constellations.

I do work for clients and creative agencies in Norway, Germany and Switzerland, but would also love to expand to other exotic countries like Denmark, Sweden or Austria – actually Finnland would be pretty cool, too. So please, hook me up!

Anything else I forgot to tell you?
Send me a message, I’ll be happy to answer.

The Studio with lots of beautiful snow on the roof - working at winter time.

The Studio

Beautiful northern landscape – straight up the mountain behind the studio.

My backyard – this spot is straight up the mountain behind the studio – ski out ski in!